Seek the Kingdom of God…

The title of this article is taken from a scripture: Matthew 6:33 Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. What does this mean? It means exactly what is says! God is telling us to forget chasing after the temporary things of this world…

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Is a worldwide flood possible?

In this follow-on article to the last post ‘Did Noah’s Ark really exist?’, we examine the evidence to support a worldwide flood. When God commanded Noah to build the Ark, why would He do so if the flood was only going to be localised, surely a much smaller vessel would have been enough? And how…

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Did life evolve, or was it created?

The argument of evolution versus creation has raged since the idea of life forming over millions of years, by chance, was introduced into our society. It’s a divide that will likely continue until one side is proven completely wrong. But when and how is that going to happen, and who will be correct? Before answering…

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