Mudskippers are not proof of evolution.

This website often publishes articles on creation, to counter the idea of evolution. The secular education system promotes the idea of life slowly transitioning from one kind to another, over millions of years, providing what they feel is the answer to all living things around us. Unreliable dating methods are used to push the idea…

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The biggest killer known to man.

When asking what is the biggest killer of mankind, many people would likely take a guess at some form of disease or illness, natural disasters, abortions, or wars being responsible for the highest number of deaths. Many would expect the number one cause of death to be perhaps a type of cancer, heart disease, diabetes,…

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No way was this an accident

The idea of everything evolving by chance events, over millions and billions of years, is the biggest debate between believers of the Bible, and those who doubt any existence of a creator. It has been used as a tool to keep away interested ones who, if they openly confess to believe in the idea of…

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Can humans save the world?

As the world news focuses on the second term for Donald Trump at the White House it seems more and more people are putting their trust in imperfect humans to save the planet and create world peace. Even outside of the USA there are a massive number of supporters for Trump, painting him as some…

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Why religion is so toxic…

When I am out preaching on the street and handing out leaflets to strangers, the most common verbal reactions from people I encounter are “I’m not interested” and “Religion is the cause of wars and all problems in the world”. I still get the odd “You don’t believe in that rubbish do you?”, and am…

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