Mudskippers are not proof of evolution.
This website often publishes articles on creation, to counter the idea of evolution. The secular…
This website often publishes articles on creation, to counter the idea of evolution. The secular education system promotes the idea of life slowly transitioning from one kind to another, over millions of years, providing what they feel is the answer to all living things around us. Unreliable dating methods are used to push the idea…
When asking what is the biggest killer of mankind, many people would likely take a guess at some form of disease or illness, natural disasters, abortions, or wars being responsible for the highest number of deaths. Many would expect the number one cause of death to be perhaps a type of cancer, heart disease, diabetes,…
I write articles not for fear mongering, or to depress readers, but to reveal what God has promised; a much better world for us later on. Even so, the Great Tribulation is something He will bring soon. During the last days of Satan ruling on our earth the Bible warns of a worldwide event that…
In recent news the world has watched the now former Syrian President, Bashar Hafez al-Assad, flee the country with his family as it was being taken over by rebels. What is interesting about this situation is that Syria plays a major role in Bible prophecy, concerning a wider war in the Middle East; one that…
There are a number of articles on this website that address the errors and flaws of evolution. Most of them provide details about why evolution makes no sense at all, there is no logic anywhere in the idea of anything being designed and created without an actual designer, all by random chance events with no…
The idea of everything evolving by chance events, over millions and billions of years, is the biggest debate between believers of the Bible, and those who doubt any existence of a creator. It has been used as a tool to keep away interested ones who, if they openly confess to believe in the idea of…
Our world is full of secular teachings, ideas that are not scriptural. Instead of applying bible principles and understanding God, we are constantly being taught that evolution, science, and a series of chance events are what brought life out of nowhere. With this idea comes the attitude of ‘one life, live it’, and there’s no…
As the world news focuses on the second term for Donald Trump at the White House it seems more and more people are putting their trust in imperfect humans to save the planet and create world peace. Even outside of the USA there are a massive number of supporters for Trump, painting him as some…
Jesus said that in the last days people will hate you (those who follow and praise him) on account of my name: Matthew 10:22 You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. We have seen countless examples of these prophetic words throughout…
When I am out preaching on the street and handing out leaflets to strangers, the most common verbal reactions from people I encounter are “I’m not interested” and “Religion is the cause of wars and all problems in the world”. I still get the odd “You don’t believe in that rubbish do you?”, and am…