There are a number of articles on this website that address the errors and flaws of evolution. Most of them provide details about why evolution makes no sense at all, there is no logic anywhere in the idea of anything being designed and created without an actual designer, all by random chance events with no intelligence or direction behind anything. Schools, universities, and other educational centres teach evolution as a fact, mocking those who doubt the idea is the only way for life to have appeared: 2nd Peter 3:3 knowing this first, that in the last days mockers shall come with mockery, walking after their own lusts.
If anyone actually looks carefully at the theory of evolution, having an open mind instead of being biased towards the view, it becomes apparent that it completely misses the point regarding creation. Nowhere will you hear, or read, a logical explanation for why so many fossils (dating back, incorrectly, to millions of years) look exactly the same as similar creatures alive today. What the experts call the ‘living fossils’ are supposed to have stayed the same as they were from the very early period of history, while the extinct fossils of animals, birds, and insects that are almost identical in many ways to what is living in our time, have also stayed the same and yet are believed to have somehow evolved. Surely if evolution was a hard fact, there would be fossils showing creatures that look nothing like what we see today (that are not extinct for comparison); what we see living now would have evolved to become unrecognisable compared to their family from millions of years ago; but we don’t find any of these.
The reason so many fossils look like what we see today, living and still reproducing as the same kind, is because they looked like this from the beginning. Evolution is a massive con, and the one behind this is Satan, the biggest scam-artist in the history of our universe. To fool so many into believing that nothing produced everything, from a ‘Big Bang’, and then water dripped on a rock on our planet for millions of years, which later on created primordial soup leading up to where we are today with all the complexity of living things, is an absurd idea. Many respected scientists promote evolution, but the level of intelligence a person possesses has nothing to do with how easily they can become fooled: Romans 1:22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.
There are plenty of examples where a fossil looks identical to living creatures we can see right now in their natural habitats, with online photographs and videos, and as pets in our homes. If evolution was real then no way would something from ‘millions of years ago’ even closely resemble so much of what we can observe today.
It seems that no matter how obvious the contradictions in evolution may be, ‘they’ just don’t want their house of cards to get blown down by the slightest draft. The entire idea of accidental life on earth, and the formation of the cosmos, along with the elements that make up our atmosphere, the atoms, cells…. the list is endless; is pure madness. They just won’t accept that all of this requires a high form of intelligence and direction to exist and function in the way it does.
Here is just one example of how crazy some people are to even dream up such an idea regarding evolution. The Coral Snake is highly venomous and their markings tell predators to stay away. The Scarlet Kingsnake mimics the markings of the Coral Snake and it too uses them to avoid being killed and eaten. There is a rhyme to identify the two, the Scarlet Kingsnake is not harmful to humans, but it’s good to know how to tell these two snakes apart: Red touch yellow, kill a fellow (Coral Snake) and Red touch black, friend of Jack (Scarlet Kingsnake). Because the two kinds of snake look so similar the rhyme is a good one to learn if you’re ever likely come across either one of these in the wild. But why do they look so similar? Well, if you ask evolution to explain the reason it will tell you that the Scarlet Kingsnake wanted to look like the Coral Snake, because it too liked the idea of being protected by the markings; knowing predators are more likely to leave it alone if thinking it’s a Coral Snake. That is basically what evolutionary scientists have concluded about the markings. There are plenty of other examples where similar ideas have been agreed upon. Scientists believe a creature will closely resemble something else because it has markings that worked for the one creature, so why not let that happen to a similar looking animal.
Saying that evolution produces similar looking creatures, and having abilities that are alike, because they found it worked out better for them is like saying you’ll be able to almost wish that you want to be taller, therefore your children will evolve to be taller than you. No amount of wanting something will guarantee that future generations will possess the markings, or abilities that were hoped for millions of years ago. The snakes have their markings because they were DESIGNED that way, it is not through a process of slow changes over millions of years. If that was the case when looking at the idea of the survival of the fittest, then it’s highly likely the Scarlet Kingsnake would have been hunted out of extinction before it was able to get similar markings as the Coral snake for protection against predators. It’s a retarded idea and as with all evolutionary theories it makes absolutely no sense at all when stepping back and looking at this using your brain.
The following section has been mentioned in an article on this website already, but it’s worth repeating because the idea is so stupid; evolution is embarrassing and an insult to one’s intellect, surely? The image below shows a fossil specimen and a recently captured butterfly from our time. On the left of the image is a butterfly that exists today. On the right is a butterfly from ‘millions of years ago’ (except it was likely only thousands of years ago when the flood of Noah buried it and fossilised the remains). Smithsonian headlined the article on this find as: Remarkable butterfly look-alike lived 50 million years before butterflies appeared. But wait a second, isn’t that photograph below showing two almost identical creatures? Surely if evolution is true, then over 50 million years with small gradual changes it would look very different from what is shown next to it; a butterfly kind found alive today (an Owl Butterfly). According to the article (and this has been widely reported in many international magazines and respected scientific research centres) it was remarkable how the butterfly type insect (basically it is a butterfly, but they won’t call it that) resembles the butterfly alive today.
Fossilised amber often contains inclusions, sometimes small insects are trapped inside the hardened tree sap. These insects, thought to be millions of years old, are pretty much identical to what we see today. There are some tiny differences, like any other fly we can observe today, and yet we are supposed to believe that evolution has forged a totally new kind of creature millions of years later, without any intelligent input or direction. Do you think that perhaps, just maybe, that these creatures always looked this way, since the time when God created them all? Evolution teaches that living things undergo changes over millions of years, going as far to say that fish came from out of water converting their fins to limbs and breathing out of the water. A change like that is MASSIVE, and yet we have a load of examples that show hardly anything has changed with many fossils of creatures that look exactly the way they do today.
Evolution only looks back in time, it never looks forward. So let’s do that now. Imagine you could see into the future right now, you can guarantee the creatures you see today, if not by then extinct, would look like they do right now, with maybe some variation in colour and size (like we see in dogs for example) but they’ll be the same animals. A cat will still look like cats we see today, dogs, horses, birds, insects, and all other life would look the same and have the obvious identity of belonging to their own kind.
In the book of Genesis there is not one mention of any creature starting out as primordial soup, or slowly changing over time to become something completely different. The creation account in Genesis is around 6000 years old, not millions of years; that time frame doesn’t leave room to allow for evolution; even if it were true. Genesis says God created every living creature, and they will multiply as the same kind of living thing, male and female. There is room for diversity and adaptation in the kinds of creatures we see, but they always remain the same type of living thing. God makes it very clear that nothing will change into a different creature when it reproduces: Genesis 1:24 Let the earth produce every sort of animal, each producing offspring of the same kind. There is no mention of birds and fish, creeping things, domestic animals, cattle and other references to fully-formed creatures (including humans) that we recognise today being changed into different living things. Adam and eve were not some form of rare now extinct primate, rather they were human and the first parents of all people on earth today. We might all look very different but nobody produces anything that shows signs of a transition to another creature; that has never happened. The idea of an intelligent designer and creator setting everything on course for life to continue as we understand it sits better than the idea of random chance events leading to life, with odds that are impossible to work. Surely the creation account reasoning is the more logical answer to the existence of life.
Evolution will likely continue to divide believers and non-believers of God until He establishes His Kingdom with his Son Jesus Christ. Until that time Satan will continue fooling people into the crazy idea of amazing living creatures, our universe, the cosmos, and other fascinating matters we cannot understand, into appearing by pure chance events without any direction or intelligence. The excuses and flaws that evolution contains will keep on growing, to the point of where it’s even more ridiculous than today, yet many will still follow the idea because they reject God. It’s much easier to believe we are here once, live life and do what you enjoy, without any accountability. But when we are old, or face death, evolution won’t seem such an attractive idea. It has no future for anyone, it offers only a scientific idea that everything lives and then dies, a short time only in our amazing universe. What a depressing thought! How about the creation account, and that God promises life that lasts forever, with the chance to reunite with loved ones we have lost through death, a world that is without all the horrors and suffering we see today, and have seen throughout history, a world that a person living will never experience sickness, disease, wars, problems of any kind. No more mental health issues, no disabilities, no more pain or crying in sorrow, and total peace and security for eternity. That sounds like a much better hope than the empty and cold idea of evolution.
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