Are you a lover of money?

There is a massive difference between spending money, and spending time. Money can be earned again once it’s been used up. Time, however, is way more valuable and precious, and once it’s been spent we can never get it back. So why do so many people focus on chasing money for most of their adult…

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No way did these creatures evolve!

The octopus family contains a fascinating group of unique creatures that are known for their high level of intelligence, bizarre looks, and ability to fit through any hole that is large enough to accommodate their beak. They can leave the water and walk on dry surfaces, are able to release ‘ink’ to confuse predators during…

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Why we should not fear anything.

There is a word that has often been described as False Emotions Appearing Real (FEAR), it can cause a person to become weakened. The Bible often mentions how fear is a negative emotion, one that can prevent us from standing up to others. We are warned in the following scripture: Proverbs 29:25 The fear of…

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Are we close to nuclear war?

In recent times the world has rapidly shifted into higher gears where wars have presently taken us back to an October 1962 modern-day Cuban Missile Crisis standoff. The Ukraine and Russia war has moved closer towards potentially normalising the use of tactical nuclear weapons, and if that happens then it’s only one step away from…

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