No way was this an accident

The idea of everything evolving by chance events, over millions and billions of years, is the biggest debate between believers of the Bible, and those who doubt any existence of a creator. It has been used as a tool to keep away interested ones who, if they openly confess to believe in the idea of creation, are closed down or mocked if taking sides with the Bible view on life and its origins. The Bible explains clearly that God created everything, with the appearance of all life on earth explained in the first chapter of Genesis. The secular view is that the idea of a god is stupid, and only science has the answers; instead their view is that millions of years are supposed to have allowed time to form all the vast complex life we see today, including what we can also find in the fossil record since becoming extinct.

The secular view is to promote the idea that we somehow, over millions or billions of years, became what we are today; it makes no sense at all from a logical perspective.

How about something that would make no sense if a person tried to explain it to even a five-year-old? What if something existed that was believed to be here by a series of random chance events, with scientists stating that it took millions of years to move from the crudest form to becoming a finely tuned living thing, having functions the best human engineers can only dream of copying. Well, this article is going to feature another perfect example of why evolution makes absolutely no sense at all, in fact it’s a stupid idea. Don’t take my word for being called foolish if you doubt a designer created such complex life, scripture also tells a person it’s stupid to see creation and doubt God exists: Romans 1:20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. And also: Romans 1:22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.

A highly complex design, that is supposed to have appeared by chance events and without any intelligent direction.

Flagellum surely proves that there is no way it could have happened by chance events over millions of years. This tiny microscopic living thing has moving parts that are engineered in such a way that it defies the designs of modern-day engineering, especially where the most advanced technology of motor research and development is concerned. Nobody who doubts God and His creations will doubt the requirement of humans needed to put together complex engines and high-performance systems that propel cars, ships, jet airliners, and other forms of transport. Yet we can show an example of a so-called accident that makes our most advanced and up-to-date engines look basic. And nobody can deny it takes intelligence, and teams of humans to design and create engines and motors; so why not God when it comes down to living creatures that are far more advanced?

For a start, Flagellum is no ordinary motor. It has counter-rotating parts that move at speeds ranging anywhere from a few hundred to over a hundred thousand revolutions per minute (RPM’s). The record holder for the fastest RPM mechanical engine is held (at the time of writing this article) by Koenigsegg, the supercar manufacturer in Sweden. Their record for engine RPM is 31,700. So how did a tiny microscopic engine belonging to the flagellum (supposedly evolved) manage to make more than double the RPM of the latest supercar technology, all without a designer?

A supercar made by Koenigsegg. If a person stated this car happened all by chance, somehow making changes and improvements over millions of years by itself, people would laugh and likely consider anyone believing the idea to be mentally ill. Yet we see highly complex life around us and still there are many who doubt any intelligent designer was involved.

It’s not just the speed of RPM’s that are impressive, there is another fact about these RPM’s in the flagellum that surely bring to question the absence of a designer. The motor in the flagellum can stop and turn in the complete opposite direction in the blink of an eye. No engine with this capability has yet been produced, not even by the most advanced human engineers. The forces and stress for any mechanical motor or engine that would manage to stop at 100,000 RPM’s and then turn in the opposite direction would very likely shatter the parts used to produce the motor. So, again we ask how did flagellum manage to appear without any intelligent design and outperform the most advanced levels of human engineering?

Drag car racers often push engines to the limit, many resulting in explosions. These are highly ‘tuned’ motors and yet they often fail when put under high levels of stress during a run. Flagellum never fail, no matter how hard they are pushed.

We haven’t even touched on many of the functions of flagellum, and already anyone with the most basic grasp of engines and motors is likely asking how can this be possible, something highly advanced, alive, and lives inside a human being, and other organisms, have appeared by chance over millions of years to where it is today after multiple failed attempts to get it right. Surely evolution makes no sense of such an amazing achievement and instead credit should belong to our Creator?

Still, evolution will argue that over millions of years there were improvements made, each time making the flagellum better and more refined in its development and design. This is like stating a highly advanced engine (still nowhere near as advanced as flagellum) started off as parts that suddenly appeared, assembled themselves together over millions of years, and somehow worked out how to run more efficiently, and using the correct sort of fuel that it would need to extract from the ground and then refine to become what we see and use in modern transport today. That would be an asinine statement for certain. Yet this is exactly what the basics of evolution teach. Another fact about the flagellum versus the man-made engine is that it does not pollute, and it requires no batteries or fossil fuels to run. It never breaks down, and does not require a service or changing/replacement of spare parts.

Imagine all these engine parts appearing over millions of years, and then self-assembling to function and propel a vehicle; and amazingly sourcing and refining fuels to operate. It wouldn’t make any sense.

To go deeper into the flagellum would take up pages of this website, so I am going to keep it as simple as possible here (do some research of your own when you have the time, it’s fascinating). That’s the beauty of the Bible and what God creates, it’s all very simple and makes perfect sense. Evolution, on the other hand, only complicates and confuses matters. It is flawed in many areas, and has seen many examples of faked ideas and models to help sell the madness as fact.

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The first book of the Bible is clear that everything we see and understand, and the things we can’t see or understand, were created by God. Scriptures are used throughout the Bible to confirm that God is the Designer and Creator of all living things, and inanimate objects. His wisdom and knowledge is for us hard to even comprehend, our minds are basic compared to His ways of thought. Even though there are plenty of examples that amaze us, there are still millions/billions of people who, instead of believing it takes high intelligence to design and create life, believe that it all happened by chance. These ones can see it takes humans to design and create something, and without them the item (whatever that is) would not exist and function. Saying God isn’t any better is a massive lie, and it proves that Satan is behind the fairy tale of evolution: 2nd Corinthians 4:4 The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. This has to be the only way so many can be fooled into such a crazy idea; evolution.

Evolution is absurd, yet billions believe the idea of random chance events leading to complex life forms.

This world is currently undergoing events that threaten so many lives, the wars, diseases, and death from sin. There are countless online videos of people who want to save the planet, live longer and be healthier, want peace in our world, and want to live forever. Unfortunately none of these things is possible under human rulership, it is God and His Son only who can deliver their promise to remove all the problems in our world. Even with a book full of good news and promises of a kingdom that will replace human governments, many simply refuse to let go of their secular views and turn to the Bible; a book that has all the answers to the concerns of billions living today. If only they would deprogram their secular teachings on how life came to exist, through the Creator who cares and loves them all. Everything we see in current news reports, and what we will continue to see in the near future, point to Bible prophecy; all written thousands of years ago. It explains exactly how world events would unfold, and where we are headed soon. All of the prophecies are coming true, the news is catching up with the Bible, but still many do not want to be accountable to God; it’s easier to get on with life and hope the problems we see around us will go away, they won’t. Only God can resolve the problems our planet faces, our earth was designed and created for us to enjoy forever, and the misery and suffering we see and sometimes personally experience was never planned, Satan changed all of that. Study the Bible, and when doing so try your best to forget about what you have been taught regarding evolution, it will make far more sense once you do so.

Raqqa, Syria. Since when has any human government had the answers to all of our problems? Only God can rule our planet with peace for everyone.

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