Can humans save the world?

As the world news focuses on the second term for Donald Trump at the White House it seems more and more people are putting their trust in imperfect humans to save the planet and create world peace. Even outside of the USA there are a massive number of supporters for Trump, painting him as some god who’s here to save us all. Well, there is some bad news and some good news. Firstly the bad news is that Donald Trump is not going to save the world. He may have some genuine sincere plans for doing good, but he’s imperfect. The Bible says to trust God and not humans: Psalm 146:3 Don’t put your confidence in powerful people; there is no help for you there. Also, humans are mortal, and the bible states clearly that we live on average to the age of our 70’s and maybe into our 80’s: Psalm 90:10 Our days may come to seventy years, or eighty, if our strength endures; yet the best of them are but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away. At the time of writing this article Trump is aged 78 years, and he does not know how much longer he will live; none of us know that.

Elon Musk is another person many people look towards for advice, they seem to almost worship this man, but what can he do to save this world?

The point is that humans are not here forever, not until God establishes His Kingdom and then grants those on his side everlasting life. For now we are subjected to death, thankfully God promises to rid us of dying later on: 1st Corinthians 15:26 The last enemy to be destroyed is death. For now we are living in a world that is out of control, Satan has it in his grasp. He is doing all he can to destroy the planet and mankind with it, he has no true friends, only enemies. Donald Trump is already stating that he will end the war in the Ukraine, with much dismay to NATO and its members. They don’t want peace, Satan guides certain organisations to go to war, fight and murder. Bible prophecy also has to take its course and wars are part of the pattern we will continue to see right up until the last days: Matthew 24:6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. As much as Donald Trump may be proving popular with many, he’s really not going to save the world, and as mentioned in the previous paragraph, our life spans are usually limited to plus 70 or plus 80 years, some living just past 100 years, but that’s not common.

‘Cannon Fodder’. Millions have given their lives to government officials, fighting their wars at the cost of human life they simply don’t care about. When did you last see a politician going to the front line to fight their dirty war?
Someone who did make it to 100 years of age, Henry Kissinger was viewed by many as evil. He once quoted: “Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.” Many lost their lives in wars where he saw no problem in sending soldiers to their deaths, he never cared for either side of the fighting.

So what about the good news? Well, instead of focusing on a human and putting trust in them, we should instead trust our loving creator, the only real and living God, the Father of Christ Jesus. He is the only one who is going to save the world, destroying Satan before setting up his kingdom that will last forever: Daniel 2:44 In the time of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end, but it will itself endure forever. A kingdom is simply an older word meaning government. Currently we have a world dominated by imperfect human leaders, many of whom can’t be trusted at all. Corruption is common in politics, and world leaders can be consumed by the power given to them when they take lead of a country. Many have become drunk on power and behaved in ways that caused world-changing events that killed millions, think of Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong (killing an estimated 45 million people, more lives were lost through his lust for murder than Hitler and Stalin combined). There are a minority of politicians who genuinely do want to help us, but ultimately these are outnumbered by the avaricious and perfidious leaders. In the end it’s not worth putting our trust in any humans as God really is the only one we can truly rely on.

A baby will trust its mother unconditionally, we can do the same with our creator, God.

Politicians are notoriously good liars, it’s difficult to trust anything they say as you will commonly experience their promises being broken soon after being elected and given control. The fact is simple, you and everyone you know mean nothing to these people. God values all of us, even those who are evil he wants to save: 2nd Peter 3:9 The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent.

How many times have we heard a politician promise something, and soon after they have made a 180 degree turn on their word?

I did mention good news, and here is some more. Right now everything stinks, the world is a nasty place with all the wars, natural disasters, food shortages, bad attitudes, and violence. It has been turned upside down because Satan wants to see the opposite of what his enemy planned for us, a paradise to live in peace forever. It’s hard to imagine such a place at the moment, even if Trump does plan on saving the world (add sarcasm). It may not be easy to believe such a time will come where all people will live together without wars, no race issues, no divisions for any reason, no toxic false religions, and a relationship with the one who created everything we know, and the things we can’t see or understand. Him and His Son will be the world leaders, there will be no more lying humans pushing their hidden agenda, doing their best to ruin everything and not caring about anyone except themselves. God is nothing like any of us, He is wise, loving, and full of wisdom. He knows what’s best for us, after all He designed and created all life; who else would not do better than that?

At an estimated distance of just over 2.5 millions light years away from earth is the Andromeda Galaxy (known as Messier 31, or M31 in astronomy). This is just one of billions, trillions, or even more galaxies that exists in our universe. God has powers we can’t comprehend.

I’m certain people will continue their secular beliefs and trust in Trump, and other world leaders, but in the end they won’t solve all of our problems, and they certainly won’t help us live forever. This website is all about promoting the Bible, how to understand the scriptures, and realising that even those who laugh at the ‘fairy tale’ it’s so often deemed to be by many, the word of God is alive and offers the best advice we can find: Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. How many politicians can state that they have managed to permanently solve the problems we see and experience in this world? Even with temporary cease fires, disaster relief, aid for starving people, and other support for those in trouble, we don’t ever see long-term resolves. God has the best plan for all of us, and no human can even get close to His love for us.

God describes his words as sharper than a two-edged sword. What a perfect way to illustrate his scriptures.

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