Silent prayers are now a criminal offence

Jesus said that in the last days people will hate you (those who follow and praise him) on account of my name: Matthew 10:22 You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. We have seen countless examples of these prophetic words throughout history. In the UK a recent conviction in a law court proved that even a silent prayer can now become a criminal offence. This case is just another limitation on what a person can do or say about the Bible and Jesus, and his Father. The case further proves that people will hate Christians on account of the only begotten Son of God.

Have you noticed the hatred of Christians becoming more and more of a problem lately?

This is not a news flash for anyone keeping an eye on this world controlled by Satan. The offence (if you can even consider it to be called that) took place during 2022 when a former UK Army Reservist was praying silently near an abortion clinic in Bournemouth, Dorset, UK. He was doing this for his son who was aborted many years before. He was not speaking to any passers by, not threatening anyone, and was standing in a public space causing no harassment, alarm, or distress to anyone. There is a ‘safe zone’ around the clinic, approximately 150 metres surrounding the building, and is active from 07:00 to 19:00 hours during weekdays only. It was inside this ‘zone’, and during the active hours on a weekday when Adam Smith-Connor was approached by Dorset police and asked questions about his presence. He was questioned too about the safety zone and if he was praying. Adam explained his situation and that he was silently praying, which is highly personal and private. He should have quoted this scripture: 1st Thessalonians 4:11 Stay calm; mind your own business; do your own job. You’ve heard all this from us before, but a reminder never hurts. This scripture applies to the reader, but also applies to anyone interfering in your business. Adam had every right to stand in a public space and pray to God, his thoughts should have been respected, and not questioned.

Adam Smith-Connor outside Poole Law Courts, Dorset. The legal representatives who convicted him ought to be fired for such partial views towards abortion rights, especially when the same ones would convict a murderer of a pregnant woman and her unborn child.

This sort of policing only proves that our world is becoming more of a surveillance state each day. It seems that if you follow any religion, except Christianity, you are free to speak about your faith. But talk about the bible and you’ll invite problems, even the phrase God Bless You is looking to become a ‘hate crime’ in the UK. There have been many examples of people being arrested for preaching the Bible in the streets too. This is only going to condition those against believers of the only true God to feel they have the right to persecute those who don’t follow the secular views of this world. With CCTV, facial recognition cameras, Automatic Number Plate Recognition Cameras (ANPR’s), and other control methods in place, it’s becoming more and more difficult to go anywhere without authorities tracking your every single move. There is a saying that if you have nothing to hide you don’t need to be concerned about these things, but the reality is that now you can be convicted in a court of law for praying silently in a public space.

Soon everywhere will be like China, the biggest surveillance state on earth.

The Bible says about taking another human life: Exodus 20:13 You must not murder. God considers life as valuable and precious, we are to avoid violence at all costs, and never take the life of another person. Abortion does exactly this. A doctor performing an abortion is being paid for taking a living human and killing them; murder. There is no argument to defend this as anything else. If you’ve ever seen videos about how a late-term abortion is performed you will no doubt remember the horrific way that the baby is literally torn apart in what should be the safest place for anyone, the womb of their mother. If a person goes onto the streets and targets a pregnant woman, killing her intentionally, it is a murder charge. If the baby dies it becomes a double murder charge, and if the woman is carrying twins it’s a triple murder charge, and so on. No court in the land would go easy on the murderer of the woman and her babies, and yet doctors are paid lots of money to basically murder a baby, with consent from the mother. I don’t care who disagrees with this statement, because it is a fact that taking a life, no matter the method, is plain and simple murder.

Nobody in their right mind would want to harm this baby, and yet abortion is viewed by many as a medical procedure to terminate life, in many cases purely for convenience due to the pregnancy being unwanted.

We live in a world controlled by the father of the lie; a murdering selfish scumbag who’s out to get everyone; even those who think they’re on side with him. Satan has no friends, he looks out for number one, and the rest of us mean nothing to him. His world is full of wars, disease, perversions, and corrupt government politicians who lock down countries, tighten laws to restrict our freedoms on speech, control us using fear through the mainstream media with excuses such as climate change, and fake pandemics that have been orchestrated by avaricious ‘leaders’ drunk on power and greed. They do this under the influence of Satan (placing everything on his temporary lusts of the world and desires for material things and short-term enjoyment). It’s all done in a way that creates less choice of free speech (example, convicted for a silent prayer) and to restrict movement around the planet (example, when a person refused the dangerous experimental Covid jabs and were not allowed to travel). He hates Christians especially, and world events point to relaxed laws for freedom of speech for any religion, apart from what Christians do or say, even concerning their thoughts when in silent prayer on the streets. I guarantee that the case against Adam is a slippery slope that goes all the way down to the bottom of a stinking cesspit. It’s a place where the demons are lurking, and influencing those who believe they are the only ones with rights, and anyone having views that oppose them are to be branded criminals and need to be punished. I write these articles to promote the word of God, and hopefully encourage others to study the bible and turn their lives around to become a Christian. Am I going to stop preaching when the time comes where talking about the bible in a public place becomes a serious crime? No chance! Acts 5:29 Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men. I certainly won’t be silenced about our creator, the only true and living God who gave us this planet to be inhabited forever. We should never allow humans to get between us and God, especially where our personal messages in prayer is concerned. Don’t let the authorities prevent you from building a personal relationship with the creator of our entire universe, and whatever lies beyond that.

God created everything and knows what is best for us, so we should obey him above all imperfect humans.

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