There is a word that has often been described as False Emotions Appearing Real (FEAR), it can cause a person to become weakened. The Bible often mentions how fear is a negative emotion, one that can prevent us from standing up to others. We are warned in the following scripture: Proverbs 29:25 The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe. This scripture describes fear as a snare, preventing us from glorifying God due to pleasing, or fearing, man; it’s true that many have avoided witnessing to others fearing what they may experience in return for praising God, and about His words.

Fear is extremely unhealthy for us and is not an emotion that comes from God, as described here: 2nd Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Fear is an extremely powerful emotion and can be used by those against us to control and manipulate. Look at how the entire world was locked down and billions feared for their lives, complying to insane rules to counter a seasonal flu, re-branded as Covid. Some of those behind the psychological abuse to promote fear by means of this ‘virus’ (which has still not been officially isolated), have since come forward and become ‘whistle blowers’ telling of how the government paid them to ramp up the fear through various mainstream media and social media platforms, to gain complete compliance from the public. In the United Kingdom, the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Behavioral Group (SPIB) team had a psychologist member (Gavin Morgan) ‘spill the beans’ about how he was told, and his team too, to frighten the public into making them feel personally threatened so they would stay at home and socially distance, wear masks, and comply to illegal and unlawful mandates; none of which protected against this health issue that most people had over a 99% chance of survival, relying on their own God-given natural immunity. He was one of many psychologists involved in a psychological war, marketing fear to control the masses. Because of fear, later on, billions took part in the biggest roll out of dangerous untested experimental drugs in history, and now these ‘safe and effective’ ‘vaccines’ have caused more damage and sudden deaths than Covid could have ever managed. Without fear, this situation would have never happened, and nobody would have complied to such nonsense.

Cults, especially religious cults, are guilty of employing fear as the main weapon to control and manipulate their followers into total submission, to the authority of their leader/s. Many high-control groups use the Bible as a tool to frighten followers into doing as they are told, without question, it often works due to the severity of punishment if not following these ‘rules’. There are plenty of groups claiming to be Christian and yet they treat their followers like rubbish, mentally abusing them by indoctrination techniques created by cherry-picking Bible scriptures out of context to flex their spiritual muscles. They make their followers feel guilty all of the time, as if they are not good enough; they are told to not dress a certain way, are forbidden to associate with those outside the group, not allowed to eat certain foods, and even control what married couples can practice during their own private and intimate time together. These are dangerous high-control groups who demand exclusive devotion and brainwash their followers, often claiming that only they can deliver them exclusively to God, no other Christian group can do this, and any outsiders are doomed. If a member asks doubtful questions about the organisation, or rebel against certain ‘rules’, they can be shunned by other members, disassociated, so that family and friends will never speak to them again; this polices the followers from the inside and protects the leaders from being exposed as a fraud.

Steven Hassan has a great way to identify these cults and uses his BITE model to do so. A link is provided below. Steven was a member of an infamous cult for many years, but woke up and escaped the mental prison they had him trapped inside for decades. If you are, or know anyone, trapped in a cult, his works are definitely worth studying. Fear is what kept him trapped inside a cult for so long.
There are many examples of courage in the Bible, and many examples of those who fell victim to fear. But consider that we are made in the image of God. Genesis 1:27 So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Surely God has no fear, He’s not afraid of anything. We have been made in His likeness and so we need to imitate Him and His Son, Jesus Christ. Imagine Jesus backing out of his sacrifice, at the last minute running away from men because He was in fear of what they were going to do to Him on His final day on earth. Imagine David not standing against Goliath, a giant of a man in comparison to him and others. Imagine many other Bible accounts having a completely different outcome because fear caused the person to run and hide. The Bible does account for some who’s fear got the better of them; Jonah ran away from God when asked to do his will, ending up in the belly of a large fish. Later he followed what God wanted of him and was delivered.
At the present times, it’s clear we are in the last days described in many Bible scriptures, and it would be easy to give way to fear. But instead of doing this, we must be strong, courageous, and trust in God at all times. Isaiah 41:10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. If we have faith, we have courage, and can endure to the end. Matthew 24:13 But the one who endures to the end will be saved.
Next time you feel fear setting in, pray to God and ask Him for help. Read scriptures that account for those who were brave, even when facing death. All the faithful ones who trusted in God were helped, and those who died for their faith are going to be rewarded by God. We should follow those examples and be strong, especially if we strengthen our faith. Hebrews 11:16 But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
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