If you ask most people the question, would they like to live forever, and not age, the answer should be yes. But sometimes a person will say living forever would be awful, getting too old means health problems, and the world is in a terrible state. But what if you really could live without aging, never experiencing death in a world without suffering?
1st Corinthians 15:26 The last enemy to be destroyed is death. But where did death come from? If we go to the book of Genesis account in the six days of creation, we see that on the sixth day God created the first two humans on earth, a male first, followed by a female, He named them Adam and Eve, and married them. They were given an amazing place to live, a paradise where all life cohabited without danger, in a perfect climate, with plentiful supplies of amazing food, clean drinking water, and no pollution of any kind. They were blessed with perfect health and everlasting life; they wanted for nothing as God gave them everything. What they had in Eden, was an environment and lifestyle we can only dream about, their world would likely make the most beautiful places on earth today look like a disgusting polluted rubbish dump. Along with all the gifts of life in Eden, God gave them free will, creating them with the ability to think and choose for themselves; but he did place a limitation on something very specific.

God said they could eat from any tree except for one, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It’s not much to ask someone to stay away from one thing when you have given them so much, and likely they both could have avoided temptation if not for Satan. Unfortunately it was him who arrived in Eden and tempted Eve, then this fell Adam. Satan and his deceit was the first recorded lie in the Bible, one that has caused all the sin and suffering in human history ever since that moment. This is why since that moment back in Eden, countless humans have aged and died; this has been inherited from that one action around six thousand years ago.
The mystery of aging and death has been a long-term study in science. Experts have studied human cells and can’t work out why they eventually stop dividing and multiplying, this should never cease and humans should reach their prime and live forever, never showing signs of aging.
People want to look good and live for as long as possible, but instead of wanting to seek everlasting life through God, they pay sums of money ranging from small amounts, to vast fortunes, on creams that prevent wrinkles, cosmetic surgery, and in some cases request to be cryogenically frozen after they die in the hope that science can later work out how to defrost them and bring them back to life in the future.
It’s clear that most people who are sound of mind would like to remain youthful and never die. And that’s why there are some scientists who have devoted most of their adult life in researching ways to prevent aging and death. Can you imagine how big the news would be if a scientists made such a breakthrough? One person who has been particularly devoted to the research of living forever is Doctor Leonard Hayflick. His finding led to a theory that is now widely used in this kind of research, it’s called the Hayflick Limit.
The Hayflick limit theorized that the human cell’s ability to divide is limited to approximately 50-times, after which they simply stop dividing (the Hayflick limit theory of aging). According to telomere theory, telomeres (a region of repetitive DNA sequences at the end of a chromosome) have experimentally been shown to shorten with each successive cell division. This complex issue means that in simple terms, we age and die because our cells can no longer keep on being produced.

It is interesting that the Hayflick Limit points to around 80 years of age, the world-wide average age of life expectancy is in the late 70’s to early 80’s. It’s no coincidence the Hayflick Limit confirms this age as God inspired the Psalmist to write the following: Psalms 90:10 The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away. Three score (a score being twenty) and ten confirms the average age. The scripture adds that possibly you may live four score years, 80. Is this a wild guess from the Bible, or from the research DR Hayflick has conducted does it simply confirm that God inspired the words in the Bible?
Leonard Hayflick wonders why we die, he even wrote a book titles How and why we age. He and his associates have openly admitted that if they could crack the code to the shutting down of cell production, we would indeed never age past out prime, and live forever. But there is a problem for these scientists, which they state comes down to unlocking whatever it is that prevents the continuation of cell reproduction. No matter how hard they try, they can’t unlock the code that shouldn’t be there, they say this should never happen (our aging and death) but even so the code limits this. Some scientists have even stated that it’s as if some supernatural force prevents us from cracking the code to unlock this secret. The fact is simple; they will never crack the code, only God can unlock the code that causes aging and death, and he promises to do that to all that put faith in his Son Jesus Christ and follow his ways, repenting from the sins Satan promotes as good in this fallen world system.
If you’d like to know more about the Bible, and are interested in a free study of scripture, feel welcome to contact mark@truthministry.co.uk