Are we close to nuclear war?

In recent times the world has rapidly shifted into higher gears where wars have presently taken us back to an October 1962 modern-day Cuban Missile Crisis standoff. The Ukraine and Russia war has moved closer towards potentially normalising the use of tactical nuclear weapons, and if that happens then it’s only one step away from the use of Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM’s). NATO is ignorant regarding the risks involved in sending their weapons into Russian territory, even if they are deployed by the Ukraine military. Many European countries are supporting the Ukraine with billions in monetary finance, along with the supply of armory, tanks, and aircraft. This is ‘poking the bear’, a way such actions have been described as pushing Russia too far.

Meanwhile further south, a war between China and Taiwan is potentially the next place to ignite and flare up, perhaps dragging the entire world into another massive conflict. In the Middle East the Israel and Palestine conflict is creating shock waves that are impacting many other countries in the region, with the very real threat of this expanding into a global war. Already this has spilled over into Lebanon, Syria, and other territories, Yemen and Iran is also indirectly involved in the conflict; it is a highly volatile situation.

With all of the dangerous actions of many political leaders, it’s no wonder The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has moved their ‘Doomsday Clock’ to the 90 seconds to midnight position; meaning we are now closer than ever to a global catastrophe, likely from nuclear war.

A scripture in the Bible points to a time, towards the end of human governments controlling the earth, that warns us about birth pangs, many of which we are seeing more often than ever in history (famines, earthquakes in one place after another, pestilence and more). One of the birth pangs described in this passage of scripture is wars and rumors of wars. Matthew 24:6 reads: And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. But note the second part of this scripture: See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. This scripture is telling us that we will see, and perhaps experience these things, but to not be troubled by this.

Around the time Matthew 24:6 was written, weapons looked primitive in comparison to the highly advanced weapons we see today. Back then it would likely have been unimaginable for people to understand that in the future there would be devices capable of destroying entire cities (much larger than the cities of that time) in seconds, and at the same time murdering millions. What we have today are Inter Continental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM’s), which are highly advanced rocket systems carrying Multiple Independent Re-entry Vehicles (MIRV’s) able to deliver multiple warheads with an extremely high strike accuracy, in some cases well beyond a range of 5,500 kilometers (3,400 miles) from launch sites. These missiles can be launched from silos located deep in the ground and can reach their distant targets in minutes. Other powerful nuclear missiles can be deployed from road and rail transporters, submarines, and aircraft. Many of these weapons travel into space and then rain down their warheads at speeds many times faster than sound. The yield of these modern warheads is often measured in the millions of tons (megatons) of explosive force, whereas the two bombs dropped on Japan in WW 2 were in the thousands of tons (Kilotons); so in comparison the modern weapons are way more powerful and destructive than what we know destroyed nearly all of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, along with many innocent people in 1945.

When we consider the destructive power, and how many people would lose their lives if these weapons are used, how can we not be troubled?

God promises us that he will bring his kingdom and establish it to remove all world powers. Satan has a massive influence over the world governments, and even a person who may doubt the Bible would likely agree that there is an evil in this world, especially when looking at the history of conflicts and current political situations with the ongoing wars today. In Luke 12:26 Jesus asked his disciples: Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? This was an excellent question. And Jesus was right, his statement regarding being anxious is true, a person wasting time and energy when worried can’t change the world political situation, but they can side with God and gain soundness of mind knowing the following: Matthew 10:28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

It is a frightening thought, to imagine a full-scale nuclear exchange between multiple countries. But we have no control over this. All we can do is keep strong in our faith in Jesus Christ and his Father, the only living and true God. We can’t rely on avaricious politicians who (not all, but many of them) look out for their own interests alone. Satan is controlling the political situation on a global scale, he is moving all the pieces on the board to destroy humanity, he wants to be like God and have everyone worship him, but he’s the opposite of God. He is hate, anger, perverse, impure, the father of the lie, and wants everyone dead. He cares not for anyone but himself, and knows that his time on this planet is getting shorter by the day. He can’t see into the future but knows that soon God will remove him from his depraved influence on earth. His days are numbered, and when he has finally been taken by God, what follows is a paradise, without another war again. Revelation 21:4 describes this amazing time that we can look forward to the following: And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain; for the former things are passed away.

Outside the United Nations building in the Turtle Bay area of midtown Manhattan, New York City, is a sculpture that was gifted to the United Nations by the USSR on the 4th of December 1959. The figure is of a male and he is beating a sword into a plow share.

Not far from the site of the sculpture, on 1st Avenue and 43rd Street, is what is known as the Isaiah Wall. It has a scripture carved into the stone blocks and is from the following book: Isaiah 2:4 And He shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.

It’s comforting to know that our God has promised those who trust in Him and repent of their sins, will be saved. We can’t put our trust in humans, history has proved this over and over again. Jeremiah 10:23 O LORD, I know the way of man is not in himself; It is not in man who walks to direct his own steps. If we can’t direct our own footsteps how can we begin to manage avoiding conflicts and wars?

For more about this, and other Bible-related topics; feel welcome to contact Mark. If you’d like a free Bible study, or join a group study on Zoom, let me know.