The octopus family contains a fascinating group of unique creatures that are known for their high level of intelligence, bizarre looks, and ability to fit through any hole that is large enough to accommodate their beak. They can leave the water and walk on dry surfaces, are able to release ‘ink’ to confuse predators during their escape, using jet propulsion which engineers have copied. The octopus has many talents, but one in particular has some very impressive tricks that undoubtedly prove these creatures demonstrate intelligent design.
The Mimic Octopus has been rightly named the master of disguise. It can not only change the surface of its skin into patterns and colours to blend in with its surroundings, but it can mimic the shape of objects or creatures to fit in with the environment. This incredible design helps it to take on the appearance of bad tasting and venomous creatures to deter predators.

These amazing creatures were first reported during 1998, in Indonesia. There is still not a large amount of information regarding their behaviour, there’s still a lot to learn about what they are all about, and even with lots more studying of these octopus there will still be a lot that we don’t understand.
The Mimic Octopus is a true shape-shifter, mimicking other life forms so that it can move out of the way from danger, it can mimic stationary objects too, but why hang around and be detected when you can join other groups of creatures that the predator is not interested in eating, and be on your way.
There are other creatures that can mimic other animals around them, and likely the most well-known reptile for changing colours is the chameleon. But the Mimic Octopus imitates way more than any other known creature, from Lion Fish to Sea Snakes, Banded Sole, and lots more. It moves along through more shallow waters, quickly changing colours and patterns whenever it needs to.

Why is it that so many accept the idea of millions of years, through slight changes, do so many people believe that such an amazing and impressive creature appeared by pure chance (the foundation of the big band and evolution)? Satan wants everyone to distance themselves from God, he wants every single person to have nothing to do with the Creator responsible for our existence ourselves, and of everything around us. God tells us that he has blinded the minds of the unbelievers: 2nd Corinthians 4:4 The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. The Bible also states clearly that those professing themselves to be wise are as fools: Romans 1:22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.
There was one idea that because octopus are so advanced in many ways, and so different from any other creatures, that they may have come from space, before the dinosaurs, arriving here after hitching a ride on a comet. Interestingly, many scientists dismissed the idea, but even so, the idea of such complex life forms coming about by chance (let alone that happening on another planet and then finding the way to earth) is absurd. If not for Charles Darwin and his idea of millions of years, there would be no room for evolution; the enemy of evolution is time. If you don’t have millions of years for the changes required, then there is no evolution.

Apart from teaching us that all life came about through intelligent design and creation, the Bible teaches us much more. It is an undeniable fact that if every person studied the Bible starting right now, and then applied its principles, imitated Jesus and God, then all wars would cease immediately, and everything evil would stop. The Bible is alive: Hebrews 4:11 For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any double-edged sword, piercing until it divides soul and spirit, joints and marrow, as it judges the thoughts and purposes of the heart. Whenever you read any scripture, you are seeing the thoughts of God written down, inspired through men, with writings that are always accurate, and true; no other book has such powerful meaning that can benefit our lives in such a positive way.
God is so intelligent; our minds can’t even begin to comprehend how powerful and awesome He is. We just can’t understand His level of power, in every way. He posed this statement to Job: Job 9:3 Whoever might want to argue with him could not answer him one [question] in a thousand. Imagine being asked a thousand questions and not being able to answer even one, what does this tell us about our creator?
Only such a powerful, wise, and loving God could create the Mimic Octopus, and all other amazing creatures, including us, the universe, and things we have not yet discovered. To side with imperfect humans on how life appeared is insane, and to believe such a massive lie (evolution) only limits our connection to God, but it increases our connection to Satan. We have to remain as far away as we can from Satan and his lies, he has nothing to offer apart from temporary things that can’t match everlasting things and life forever. James tells us: James 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
If you’d like to know more, or would like a free Bible study, feel welcome to contact Mark.