For many, the book of Revelation is one of the most curious and interesting collection of scriptures in the Bible. It introduces future events that have inspired many Hollywood directors to use it’s content to make movies about the end of the world, and it fascinates those who are believers; even many who are not.
All sixty six books of the Bible are amazing to study, but there’s something about Revelation that seems to draw the most attention when a negative world-changing event takes place. With current world conditions as they are, Revelation is right now proving that we are living closer to the time where John the Apostle (sometimes known as John of Patmos, or John the Elder) described an apocalyptic closure to our current Satanic world system.
But before the end of days arrives, further prophecies need to unfold. One particular section of prophecy in Revelation is now becoming much clearer to understand as we move closer to the final Godly judgement of this world system. This is where the scriptures describe the mark of the beast.
The Beast, thought to be the Anti-Christ, will be given great power and dominion, and will put into place a level of world-wide control that only allows those who take the ‘mark’ to function in that society. Without it, no person, free or bond, rich or poor, will be able to buy or sell: Revelation 13:17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name. This mark will be given in the right hand or forehead; anyone refusing to take the mark will be killed. It’s a very intriguing passage of scripture, and until now it wasn’t clear what this mark could be.
Go back to early 2020, and you’ll remember a world that locked down, due to mainstream media fear-mongering and government overreach that created mass panic for billions. Some of us were awake, and not fearful during this period, we avoided following the unlawful mandates and taking the experimental drugs: 2nd Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. The entire situation of that time, and years that followed since, have opened the doors to minimising the use of cash (by design), but throughout these times it wasn’t really recognised as a problem due to what else was going on across the planet; a massive Satanic distraction.

World leaders, using their teams of ‘expert’ scientists, managed to convince many that somehow, the use of cash would transmit the ‘virus’ much easier and faster, so less people used hard currency to avoid becoming ill; digital payments were sold as the much safer option to ‘stop the spread’. This was just one way to accelerate the introduction of a global digital currency and reduction of physical cash transactions.
The plan for the total reduction of physical money has been going on for some time, decades in fact. Moving forward, the idea of going totally cashless, eliminating hard currency altogether, will be sold using ‘convenience’ as the answer; a solution to a problem that does not exist.
Who wants cash anyway? Many people (especially younger ones) these days view cash usage as a nuisance, old fashioned, it’s something for older ones and people who are not up-to-date with technology. Some complain that hard currency is a tool that can be used for criminal activity, money laundering, and other illegal transactions, without cash these criminals could not operate. It’s true that cash is easy to hide and can be spent ‘under the radar’, but that’s not what the majority of people want to do with their money. Having some cash in your pockets is always useful, technology can fail, and if/when it does, cash will be king (but not if it’s gone).
Using outdated physical money is already sneered at by many today, and the removal of cash transactions is rapidly spreading throughout the world. How often do you see younger ones using cash when paying for anything these days, it’s usually a plastic card, smart device, or an online transfer; rarely do actual notes and coins see the light of day to transact. Many places of business now refuse cash, instead they want only card, smart device, and even crypto digital payments. These digital-only transactions will continue until there is nowhere left that accepts any cash payments, and this is where the mark of the beast could come into play.
So where exactly does the mark of the beast fit into all of this?
To answer that question we have to consider the powerful spirit creature leading to the unfolding of these prophecies; the devil. Satan is highly intelligent, and has been around from before the time when Adam and Eve first walked on the earth in Eden (around 6000 years ago). He is skilled at manipulating, subtle and seductive with is sinful temptations, and he knows humans better than we understand ourselves. He is the father of the lie: John 8:44 You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.

It is Satan who controls this world (for now): 1st John 5:19 We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one. But the final days of Satan are soon to draw to a violent close. Revelation chapter 13 forms part of the prophecy shorty before the end of his reign, and describes the mark of the beast, and what will happen to those who refuse to take this identity.
When all human governments are eventually cash free, and the entire planet is using digital ‘crypto’ currencies, it will (for a while) seem to be the obvious solution. Life will be much more ‘convenient’ and digital transactions will be the only way to buy or sell, physical cash will be just a distant memory; how did we ever live without digital transactions some may ask. Once this has been operational for a short while, it’s likely that governments, due to the beast and his demands, will tighten up usage of money and manage how it can be spent, or even accessed at all.
The climate change and green agendas (global warming and other climate fear-mongering) will justify the limited use of money spent on fuel or travel, the utilities you can use at home, the type (and amount) of food you can eat (and maybe be allowed, or not, to grow at home), will all be dictated by government. How much ‘credit’ you can have each month to buy your goods which damage the environment (this system is already in place in many countries, under the guise of carbon footprint spending schemes) will simply become part of daily life, and accepted by many as helping to save the planet. There will likely be penalties for those who criticise the government, especially the beast (a human in power, lead by Satan). In this situation, a person will have zero control over his or her finances should the powers controlling the currency decide, for whatever reason, that they are no longer able to transact. And when there is no backup plan, NO CASH, a person will have to seek desperate alternatives to get hold of food and drink, and basic necessities; if at all possible.
What technology could be used to ‘mark’ a person in the right hand or forehead?

Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) ‘chips’ have been around for some time now. In fact, they are widely used in various countries, plenty of pet dogs and cats have them all over the world. As for humans and RFID Chips, Sweden is one example where there are thousands of people who have taken these small devices (about the size of an uncooked grain of rice) into their… Right hand. This idea, just like going cashless, has been sold as a convenient way to unlock coded security doors, log on to a computer, and along with plenty of other ‘useful and convenient benefits’, they can use them for digital currency transactions.
The technology of using minute RFID’s has also been developed. Placing this ‘tattoo’ technology close to the surface of the skin it on the forehead of the person works best due to that area being a temperature source (a person will often place their hand on the forehead of another when checking to see if they are hot). During the swine flu ‘scare’ and the more recent 2020 ‘virus’ there were temperature checks conducted by using technology that measured the heat of the forehead to determine if they were infected, or not. In some of the RFID type technology, the tiny cells that power these ‘tattoos’ can use heat from the forehead to continually charge the tiny batteries. Is this just pure coincidence linking to Revelation? That is very doubtful, especially when you look at all the other world events that are currently pointing towards the return of God and removal of Satan.
Many governments are pushing for a similar technology for vaccination status, and digital pass information. The World Economic Forum (WEF) has various members pushing for this, especially UK former Prime Minister (commonly labeled a war criminal) Tony Blair. Klaus Martin Schwab, founder of the WEF and current leader of the organisation, suggests that the world will be a much safer place if EVERYONE has a digital identification that displays their vaccination status. Schwab, his members, their supporters and followers, dream of a global digital surveillance state where every move is tracked, traced, and each digital transaction is monitored; one only has to visit China to see what a digital surveillance state looks like. The World Health Organisation is another private organisation with similar goals to that of the WEF, but in fact has an even more tyrannical view on control of sovereign countries, especially during pandemics.

When you consider the steps currently being introduced to build a global digital cashless surveillance state, one where you will be marked with something that identifies you (in your right hand or forehead), and all that you do in your daily life is known by those who deploy this technology, it becomes much easier to see Revelation scripture prophecy unfolding in our time. The mark of the beast is going to become a reality, like it or not; God is never wrong.
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