The title of this article is taken from a scripture: Matthew 6:33 Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. What does this mean? It means exactly what is says! God is telling us to forget chasing after the temporary things of this world and instead put Him and His son Jesus first: Matthew 6:19-21 Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; 20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. This scripture is screaming at us to make the Kingdom of God our number one priority. If you do this, He will take care of everything else.

What is the Kingdom of God? The word kingdom is another term for government, and it’s one that God will allow all people from all nations to finally have a life lasting forever, without all the problems we experience with human rulership. Unfortunately until the Kingdom of God arrives, our world governments have been set up to control us in every aspect of our lives. They control our minds in a way that removes us from the protection of God, teaching that evolution is the reason for life existing, and making sick healthy, bad good, and wrong to be right. It’s all twisted and corrupt. Satan is in charge of the world right now, and controls these governments, and he wants everyone to worship him, and the temporary pleasures he has on offer. He does all he can, 24/7, to seduce us and trap us in a way that makes it very difficult to become free to worship the only true and living God, the Father of Christ Jesus. Instead of studying the Bible, he wants us to chase after money, use our spare time to pursue what we want without sacrificing time for God. His world is full of wars, corruption, greed, lust, violence, and perversions. He knows that right now his time on earth is short, and that’s why we are seeing rapid changes in world events, becoming more dangerous by the day.

In a huge contrast to what Satan and his kingdoms has on offer, the Kingdom God offers is vastly different from any human demonic controlled kingdom. First of all the kingdom of God is one that, once established on earth, shall never be brought to ruin: Daniel 2:44 And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people; it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever. This passage of scripture tells us that in the last days God will establish His kingdom. And it will replace all of what we know today to be our current worldwide leadership, through broken and fractured corrupt systems of control and manipulation.

This paragraph is about just one example of how even a follower of Christ, one of his own disciples, was tempted by the lure of money, and trusted in human leadership. Judas Iscariot handed Jesus over to the authorities knowing they would kill him. Why? Because he was given into not trusting in God, and instead wanted to please man and enjoy temporary pleasure using his thirty pieces of silver, an estimated 30 days worth of wages at the time. How much enjoyment did Judas take from this exchange and deceit? None at all, he soon felt so remorseful about what he had done to Jesus, he returned the money to the Chief Priests and went and hanged himself. So much for temporary pleasure!

This attitude, of Judas, is really what is prevalent in our world today. So many people would rather side with Satan and enjoy the temporary pleasures of this world rather than sacrifice these things to instead serve God. The problem with serving Satan is that the enjoyment will not last forever, whereas serving God may be tougher than the short-lived pleasures in this world now, but later they will be unmatched by anything on offer in history and today. Dipping our toe into the temporary pleasures takes us away from God. Just one more look at some porn, one more gamble with money, one more act of violence, or whatever it is that God hates, will push us away from Him. We can serve only one master: Matthew 6:24 No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.

Being avaricious in this world is too easy for many. The idea of putting the gaining of financial and material wealth before anything else is very appealing when they consider the comfort and lifestyle that all the things they imagine can bring. Who would not want to live in luxury, having whatever you desire, at any time you want it? This train of thought will do you no good long term, and the love of money is bad: 1st Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. God is not saying that wanting money is bad, He actually encourages all of us to work and earn money, but to not make it our number one priority in life.
Consider the situation aboard RMS Titanic. This ship was thought to be unsinkable, and yet just four days into its maiden voyage, it struck an iceberg and three hours later began to disappear beneath the surface of the cold dark waters; plunging to a depth of 12,500 feet to the ocean floor. Before the tragedy, those on board likely enjoyed their journey, imagining their new lives in America, the wealthier passengers were especially enjoying the best service aboard the opulent ship. The crew and entertainment staff were likely looking forward to a career working on a world-famous luxury cruise liner, having the time of their lives. This situation is like our current world system, the planet is right now packed with passengers who are enjoying the temporary luxuries on a voyage, Satan and his demons are giving them whatever they want on their short and doomed journey in this temporary world. There are others haven’t boarded the ship, they can see the danger and looming disaster because they have been given an insight through scripture. Just like the Titanic, the world has already struck a figurative iceberg, it’s still not too late for some to survive, they can quickly put on a life jacket and be saved, but for those who don’t want to prepare and avoid disaster it maybe too late if they remain ignorant to what’s really going on; rearranging the deck chairs on the sinking Titanic. Our life jacket is the word of God, studying the Bible can help us avoid the pitfalls of this current and temporary system. If we keep our minds on what the future holds we can avoid being sucked down into the dark depths of what Satan has to offer in his temporary world system.

If we are patient, and put our trust completely in God, avoid sinning against Him, and apply His principles in our lives, we stand a good chance of living forever in his kingdom. There people will live without death ever knocking on their door, will never be sick or diseased, and will enjoy life in a place where the rulers, God and His son Jesus, will never become corrupt or place us under pressure through stresses that we experience now. This world is only temporary: 1st John 2:17 The world is passing away, and all the things that people want in the world are passing away. But whoever does what God wants will live forever. Why not wait until the kingdom of God brings you whatever your heart desires, and in the meantime escape from the trap Satan has caused many to fall into. God is going to completely remove Satan from power, just read the following lines regarding his downfall (from chapter 14 of Isaiah), show this clearly: The Fall of Lucifer
12 “How you are fallen from heaven,
O Lucifer, son of the morning!
How you are cut down to the ground,
You who weakened the nations!
13 For you have said in your heart:
‘I will ascend into heaven,
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;
I will also sit on the mount of the congregation
On the farthest sides of the north;
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds,
I will be like the Most High.’
15 Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol,
To the lowest depths of the Pit.
When Satan gets taken down, so will all those who side and follow him. Right now if you are one of those who is putting worldly possessions and money in front of God and His kingdom, think quickly about making a turn 180 degrees. Satan has you fooled and seduced you into his trap. He is seeking to devour you: 1st Peter 5:8 Be sober, and watch. For your adversary, the devil, walks about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.
It’s as obvious as day follows night that this world is coming to an end, in the sense of human rulership. God has allowed man to rule for long enough, proving for sure that they have failed miserably at making a success of it all. Only God and His son Jesus Christ have the ability, love, knowledge, wisdom, and power, to make our home a place to live without all the wickedness and pure evil we have endured for thousands of years. Don’t be like those who were ill prepared aboard the Titanic when this world sinks, instead have your life jacket on so you can be saved when this world is taken over by the Kingdom of God.
If you’d like to know more, feel welcome to get in touch.